Partnerships with other stakeholders allow us to move forward faster on meeting our goals, since sharing information and being part of dedicated task forces is a way to access a series of highly valuable resources. It is a win-win situation for all parties concerned.
Fundación Empresa y Clima
Fluidra, as a party engaged in the sustainable development of the society in which it operates, partners with this foundation that offers businesses the tools needed to step up to the commitments and challenges involved with climate change and the action guidelines needed to improve emission-reduction efficiency.
UN Global Compact
Fluidra has been a UN Global Compact partner since 2007. This United Nations instrument seeks to achieve and boost solutions to global challenges from the corporate field. As a member of the initiative, Fluidra has onboarded the Ten Principles of UN Global Compact Corporate Sustainability in our ESG strategic plan, shoring up our commitment to human, labor, and environmental rights and the fight against corruption in the development of our operations.

Other Partnerships
Fluidra supports water sports and is a sponsor or partner in clubs and organizations such as:
CLUB NATACIÓ SABADELL; CLUB NATACIÓ ATLÈTIC-BARCELONETA; CLUB NATACIÓ TERRASSA: Fluidra sponsors a number of local sports associations and clubs. The water polo teams at Club Natació Sabadell and Club Natació Atlètic-Barceloneta are amongst the most successful sponsored by the company.
REAL FEDERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE NATACIÓN (RFEN) & FEDERACIÓ CATALANA DE NATACIÓ (FCN): Fluidra is a sponsor of both swimming federations.
Thanks to this partnership agreement, Fluidra provides OSA with their knowledge of the swimming pool sector.
Fluidra has closed a deal with the Unión Americana de Natación (UANA), which brings together swimming federations from all countries on the American continent.
New alliance between LEN and Fluidra. The partnership deal is for four years, from 2021 through 2025 and LEN recognizes Fluidra as its “Official Partner” for temporary swimming pools and equipment.
Since its foundation, Fluidra is has been a member of the Catalan sports industry cluster Indescat. This association, which has over 70 members, aims to attract businesses, sports events and research centres with links to the world of sport in Catalonia so that they work together to take steps that will give businesses in Catalonia an edge over competitors by favouring the development of innovative services and products, as well as their international outreach.