October 24 is International Day of Climate Action, but Fluidra will be doing our part to counteract climate change all week, in what we are calling Climate Action Week.To commemorate this week, we will plant a tree for every variable-speed pump sold globally between October 24-28.
As you are aware, back in 2020, Fluidra announced its Responsibility Blueprint, which outlines our environmental, social and governance goals that will guide us as we aim to incorporate environmentally and socially responsible practices in the way we conduct business around the world. This tree-planting project is being launched in the spirit of this plan, underscoring our commitment to the environment and highlighting a simple step pool professionals and homeowners can take to help reduce the impact of a pool on the environment.
Climate change is an issue that affects us all, both in our private and professional lives, and we are focused on finding ways to help increase the sustainability of pools. While many products can help increase a pool’s sustainability, such as pool covers; alternative sanitizers; solar and electric heating; and LED lighting, swapping out a traditional pool pump with a variable-speed pump is one of the simplest ways to increase the overall energy efficiency of a pool. On average, they offer 60% greater efficiency when compared to traditional single-speed pumps.
To assist us in our efforts, we are partnering with Tree-Nation, an organization dedicated to reforestation and conservation projects, and we’ll focus on planting trees in areas throughout the global markets we operate within. A single tree can offset up to 250 KG (551 lbs.) of CO2 during its lifespan. However, deforestation accounts for approximately 17% of climate change—by pledging to plant a tree for every variable-speed pump sold, we can help offset our carbon footprint. As part of this partnership, you can track the positive impact we have on the environment with our own “virtual forest.”
Once this initiative wraps up, I’ll be in touch with a summary of results. Until then, keep an eye out for more updates from our ESG team as we have a lot of exciting projects starting to get underway.